
smeserver-mysql - Koozali SME Server specific mysql configuration and templates.

License: GPL
Vendor: <>
This package adds necessary startup and configuration items for


smeserver-mysql-11.0.0-11.el8.sme.noarch [72 KiB] Changelog by Jean-Philippe Pialasse (2025-03-07):
- upgrade to support mariadb 11.4 [SME: 12930]
  move mariadb-upgrade to mysql.init unit 
  remove duplicate in 00_restore_dumped_dbs and 10mysql_upgrade,
  add a tmp.d for pid file, add post action dnf script
  update mariadb.service.d/ content, set default to utfmb4
- mysql.user table filtering [SME: 12592]
smeserver-mysql-11.0.0-10.el8.sme.noarch [72 KiB] Changelog by Jean-Philippe Pialasse (2025-03-07):
- upgrade to support mariadb 11.4 [SME: 12930]
  move mariadb-upgrade to mysql.init unit 
  remove duplicate in 00_restore_dumped_dbs and 10mysql_upgrade,
  add a tmp.d for pid file, add post action dnf script
  update mariadb.service.d/ content, set default to utfmb4
- mysql.user table filtering [SME: 12592]
smeserver-mysql-11.0.0-8.el8.sme.noarch [63 KiB] Changelog by Jean-Philippe Pialasse (2025-01-26):
- prestart script requires daemontools bins [SME: 12566]

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-16.el8.sme