Letter M
Packages beginning with letter "M".
- MariaDB-backup - Backup tool for MariaDB server
- MariaDB-client - MariaDB database client binaries
- MariaDB-common - MariaDB database common configuration files (e.g. /etc/mysql/conf.d/mariadb.cnf)
- MariaDB-connect-engine - Connect storage engine for MariaDB Server
- MariaDB-connect-engine-jdbc - Connect storage engine JDBC interface
- MariaDB-devel - MariaDB database development files
- MariaDB-gssapi-server - GSSAPI authentication plugin for MariaDB server
- MariaDB-provider-bzip2 - BZip2 compression support in the server and storage engines
- MariaDB-provider-lz4 - LZ4 compression support in the server and storage engines
- MariaDB-provider-lzma - LZMA compression support in the server and storage engines
- MariaDB-provider-lzo - LZO compression support in the server and storage engines
- MariaDB-provider-snappy - Snappy compression support in the server and storage engines
- MariaDB-server - MariaDB database server binaries
- MariaDB-shared - LGPL MariaDB database client library
- MariaDB-test - MariaDB database regression test suite
- m4 - The GNU macro processor
- mailcap - Helper application and MIME type associations for file types
- maildrop - Mail delivery agent with filtering abilities
- mailx - Enhanced implementation of the mailx command
- make - A GNU tool which simplifies the build process for users
- man-db - Tools for searching and reading man pages
- man-pages - Linux kernel and C library user-space interface documentation
- mariadb - A very fast and robust SQL database server
- mariadb-backup - The mariabackup tool for physical online backups
- mariadb-common - The shared files required by server and client
- mariadb-connector-c - The MariaDB Native Client library (C driver)
- mariadb-connector-c-config - Configuration files for packages that use /etc/my.cnf as a configuration file
- mariadb-errmsg - The error messages files required by server and embedded
- mariadb-gssapi-server - GSSAPI authentication plugin for server
- mariadb-server - The MariaDB server and related files
- mariadb-server-utils - Non-essential server utilities for MariaDB/MySQL applications
- mbuffer - Measuring Buffer is an enhanced version of buffer
- mc - User-friendly text console file manager and visual shell
- mcelog - Tool to translate x86-64 CPU Machine Check Exception data
- mcpp - Alternative C/C++ preprocessor
- mdadm - The mdadm program controls Linux md devices (software RAID arrays)
- memstrack - A memory allocation tracer, like a hot spot analyzer for memory allocation
- microcode_ctl - CPU microcode updates for Intel x86 processors
- mini-qmail - mini-qmail distribution
- minicom - A text-based modem control and terminal emulation program
- mlocate - An utility for finding files by name
- mock - Builds packages inside chroots
- mock-core-configs - Mock core config files basic chroots
- mock-filesystem - Mock filesystem layout
- mod_auth_tkt - Lightweight ticket-based authentication module for Apache.
- mod_auth_tkt-cgi - CGI scripts for mod_auth_tkt apache authentication modules.
- mod_authnz_external - An Apache module used for authentication
- mod_http2 - module implementing HTTP/2 for Apache 2
- mod_perl - An embedded Perl interpreter for the Apache HTTP Server
- mod_ssl - SSL/TLS module for the Apache HTTP Server
- mokutil - Tool to manage UEFI Secure Boot MoK Keys
- mozjs60 - SpiderMonkey JavaScript library
- mpfr - A C library for multiple-precision floating-point computations
- mt-st - Tool for controlling tape drives
- mtr - Network diagnostic tool combining 'traceroute' and 'ping'
- mutt - A text mode mail user agent
- mysql-selinux - SELinux policy modules for MySQL and MariaDB packages